39. Brother Bancha Saenghirun Headmaster of the School

Brother Bancha Saenghirun Headmaster of the School

To commemorate the 70th anniversary St. Gabriel is preparing to construct a new building but this does not mean we just want to accommodate the rising number of students alone. But the first and foremost objective is to increase the quality of tutorials and expand facilities to the students.

If we look towards the 21st century and ask ourselves what are we doing now to prepare these young boys to face such future. The answer is that we must teach them to teach themselves. This means that even when they leave school they will have the skills to learn and make initiatives by themselves. 

We want to see that our boys become mature citizens which means that their thoughts and expressions are rational and constructive as well as forward looking and not near sighted.

Nevertheless, for education to succeed in moulding these youngster to become a responsible member of society the school must also teach them the practical skills which are appropriate. Every effort is being made to ensure that:-

1. Education now must utilize scientific methodology as well as technological data as heuristic aids in order to keep up with the pace of changes.

2. The school as an establishment must know how to react to the negative impact arising from external changes and pass down these skills to their students. 

Apart from the above guiding principles the school is aware of the tutor-students ratio. We want to give as much individual attention to each student as possible.

However, we cannot succeed in this goal on ourselves alone. The school is having to rely a great deal on parental support and the kind assistance of our old boys network. I, therefore, would like to express my sincere appreciation to them all.

St. Gabriel’s College has come a long way. We have struggled through past difficulties and rejoice in the successes of our students. No doubts, the future will bring more obstacles and we must be vigil and courageously face whatever new and unforeseen difficulties that come our way. But remember the saying Labour Omnia Vincit. These words and the principles that they imply will see to it that we succeed in our strive for the betterment of mankind.

แหล่งที่มา : The Made in Thailand [Vol.4 No.23, 1991]