12. A.U. Consolidation in Strategic Planning and Development III


APRIL 10-12, 2006 


An important seminar on planning and development was organized under the aegis of the Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs, and it was attended by heads of undergraduate and graduate schools and directors and senior executives of various departments and offices of Assumption University.  

 Peresident Dr. Bancha Saenghiran speaking on “Overview and Directions”
during the Seminar held at Bang Na campus on April 10, 2006

The President delivered an address entitled “Overview and Directions” and since his talk referred to significant progress and milestones achieved by the university in its activities and policies, it is reproduced in this issue of ABAC TODAY for the benefit if our readers. Other presentations include a speech by Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr.Visith Srivichairatana,, entitle “From Credo to Attempt and Achievement”, “Quality Assurance Midterm Review 2002-2004 by Dr.Teay Shawyun” of the Centre for Excellence and the following interesting topics of discussions.

  1.  “Instructor and Student Competency Index and One-Year Plan 2006” by graduate and undergraduate schools.

  2.  One-Year Plan 2006 including “Super Ideal Students, Service Learning, Student Development Cordinators” by Resource Institute of Assumption University and Student Affairs Department, “Super Ideal Resource Providers” by representatives from various centres. 


Presentation by 

Dr. Bancha Saenghiran 

April 10, 2006 


AU Phases of Development 

Phase I: Stabilization (2003-2006)

Every aspect of the university life will be put in proper perspective.

Phase II: Raise the bar of quality (2007-2011) 

Phase III: Attain Excellence (2012-2020) 

Our Achievements (2003-2005)

a) The Quality Assurance System stabilized

  • The University (as a whole)

  • Different units (both academic and supporting units)

 b) The establishment of 6 sets of the University index:

  1. SAR Performance Index (SPI) …2002.

  2. Stakeholders Satisfaction Index (SSI)…2004.

  3. Service Quality Satisfaction Index (SQSI) …2005.

  4. Instructors’ Competency and Effectiveness Index (ICEI)…2006.

  5. Students’ Competency and Effectiveness Index (SCEI)…2006

  6. Resource Providers’ Competency and Effectiveness Index (RPCEI)…2007. 

AU Institutional Mission

  • Services of Humanity

  • Education Excellence The strategic direction for AU towards a balanced approach to “Education Excellence” in the Phase I is defined as:     “Laying and strengthening AU foundation leading to Education Excellence”. 

A Balanced Approach

a) Revenue Mix …

  • a composite of innovative  


Educational products and services offered,

b) Educational Excellence …

  • a composite of quality students, faculty, curricula, facilities and infrastructure, and

c) Operational Excellence …

  • a composite of the administrative excellence, processes conducive to growth & development and learning of a person…

 Strategic Themes 

     To achieve its Phase I, strategic direction, AU has defined these strategic themes that serve to guide the University towards its vision as follows:

Theme 1: Teaching & Learning

     Creating and strengthening quality in learning and teaching

Theme 2: Academic & Research Achievement

     Furthering quality in academic and research achievement

Theme 3: Services

     Developing stakeholders-University engagement

Theme 4: Resources

     Developing and managing resources 

Theme 5: Core and Support Services

     Improving core and support processes

Theme 6: People 

     Valuing people and creating a high-performing organization

  Theme 1: Teaching & Learning Strategic Goals: 

  1. Create a positive learning environment.

  2. Create curricula meeting highest standards

  3. Programs should develop students’ competency and effectiveness 

  4. Continually improve the quality of our program offerings and their delivery

  5. Develop a system for academic advising that meets the needs of the students and leads to academic success.

 Theme 2: Academic & Research Achievement 

Strategic Goals:

  1. Create a culture of assessment and evidence-based decision making

  2. Develop mechanism to insure that teaching and learning are consistent at an acceptable level

  3. Emphasize on research as means to teaching and services excellence

  4. Initiate interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research

  5. Graduates and alumni should be recognized leaders in their respective careers. 

 Theme 3: Services 

  1. Develop relationships with various sectors 

  2. Develop closer and effective partnerships with other universities 

 Theme 4: Resources

  1.  Operate according to planning and review processes that drive achievement as set in strategic objectives

  2.  Maintain the University commitment to financial sustainability 

  3.  Provide facilities and infrastructure that supports teaching, learning, and research of the highest quality 

  4.  Identify areas of wasted resources and get rid of them.

 Theme 5: Improve Core and Support Services

  1. Maintain and improve on an annual growth rate of full-time equivalent students.

  2. Create a distinctive international and educational experience for AU students.

  3. Nurture personal and intellectual growth of students by building up community in different areas.

  4. Provide technologies to meet the needs and requirements

  5. Develop or update strategic plan of each unit.

  6. Identify AU traditions & culture, values etc… to create an identity of its own. 

  7. Create a community of service culture.


Administrators and faculty members listening to speeches by President and V.P. Academic Affairs.

Theme 6: Valuing People

  1. Promote higher faculty and student interaction through a clear and open line of communication.     

  2. Focus on Faculty and staff development and performance expectations to maximize the effectiveness of human resources. 

  3. Create environment conducive to teaching, learning and research that support personnel to reach their full potential.


  1. Understand the University Strategic Plan 2003-2007

  2. Develop unit’s five year Strategic Plan and one-year Action plan.

  3. Align your five-year and one year Plan on the following inputs:

  • AU Strategic Plan 2003-2007.

  • Unit’s SAR and Internal Audit Reports of 2002-2005.

  • Unit’s existing annual reports.

        แหล่งที่มา : ABAC TODAY (Vol. 21 No. 2 March - May, 2006) หน้า 15-16